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Yves Rocher

DIY: Christmas Terrarium

Make your own Christmas terrarium and bring the magic of the underbrush into your home!



  • Natural elements: moss, pine tree branches, small pine cones…
  • Decorating elements you can find in your Christmas stock or the kids’ room: plastic animal toys, mini pine trees…
  • Tinsel
  • A large glass container (vase, candy box, bowl, candle holder...)

Place the moss on the bottom of the bowl. You can order it from a florist or get it straight from a forest. You need very little. In order for it to stay green, spray it on a regular basis and it will last for a very long time (needless to say that you should remove the tinsel before doing so!).




Install the botanical elements (real or artificial). Choose plants that are rather robust like the pine or pine tree so the arrangement lasts over time.


Place the plastic animals. You can also spray paint them, if you chose a particular color scheme for your Christmas table or decorations.




Place the electric tinsel. Warning, always use LED tinsels, they don’t get hot and hide the box as much as possible.




Turn the lights on. And suddenly, there’s a forest in your home! You can put the terrarium as a decoration piece on a dresser but also when turned off, as a centerpiece.

Share pics of your Christmas decoration ideas with the #ActBeautiful


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