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Yves Rocher
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Beautify Your Day with Popular Perfumes for Women | Yves Rocher

A woman’s scent is just like her signature: personal, elegant and one of a kind.

At Yves Rocher, our goal is to offer perfume that suits every preference. Want to discover your own scent profile? Here you’ll find a selection of fruity, sensual and floral notes, freshly picked and ripe to choose your favorite. From rose and patchouli aromas to jasmine and vanilla perfume blends, we believe every style-conscious woman is entitled to her own signature scent.

And whether you’re looking to find the perfect perfume gift set for someone special, a beautiful bottle of eau de parfum to decorate your dresser, or even a delicate hair mist to freshen up your look throughout the day, we proudly offer a range of the most popular perfumes for women, all at fantastic attractive prices that won’t compromise on quality, In addition to our delightful choice of women’s fragrance, we also stock some of the finest colognes for men, so you can help him celebrate that next special occasion in style.

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  • 100% botanical

  • 60 hectares of
    organic fields

  • Eco-designed products

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