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Yves Rocher

Dull hair

11  product(s) found
Dull hair
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How to Get Shiny Hair & Get Rid of Dullness?

Dull hair has irregular hair fiber that prevents the proper reflection of light. Often, it is due to raised hair cuticles but it can also be a sign that the hair fiber is not getting enough nutrients through the roots and scalp. Therefore, effective hair shine products need to tackle both the needs of the scalp and hair cuticles. Luckily, our shampoos & detangling conditioners with Agave fructans and Marigold-infused oil do just that! To maintain your glossy hair, we have also developed a vinegar hair rinse made with Raspberry vinegar to help you protect the shine of your hair.

Combine the shiny hair products with our botanical shower gels for the full sensorial experience. 

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  • 100% botanical

  • 60 hectares of
    organic fields

  • Eco-designed products

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