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At the end of 2019, we became the 1st international group to receive an Entreprise à mission status under the French PACTE (Action Plan for Business Growth and Transformation) law.
This strong commitment underlines our desire to make the
Group’s social mission as important as its economic mission.
Our mission ? "Reconnect people to nature" and this act for the common good. We believe in the positive impact of nature on our well-being. Connected to nature, we can all contribute to building a world more attentive to others and to the environment.
Pioneers in reducing our use of plastic : we stopped using plastic bags since 2006, 10 years before it became the law, and have reduced almost 20% of the weight of our packaging since 2010... And by 2030, we aim to reduce our plastic consumption by 30%.
Low on greenhouse gases (CO2): to reduce global warning, we follow IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) recommendations. Respecting the flora and fauna. 100% of our industrial sites in Brittany have been classified as LPO (the League for the Protection of Birds) biodiversity sanctuaries, and 1,500 plant species are preserved in our Botanical Garden.
Proud to be the leading sponsor of the Yves Rocher Foundation : we are committed to working alongside the foundation to protect nature. 100 million trees were planted in 2020, and it's only the beginning.
Though sustainable agriculture. Our flower fields have been certified organice since 1999, and our land is farmed using sustainable agricultural parctices. A virtuous ecosystem wher flora, fauna and manking live together in harmony. Our 9 emblematic plants grown in Brittany have obtained the UEBT certification. This is a strong recognition fo our committment to sustaible sourcing.
On our way to B Corp: to go even further, the Roger Group and the Yves Rocher Brand aim to be B Corp certified by 2025. The 'B Corp' label certifies companies that integrate social, societa and environmental objectives into their mission. Companies obtaining certifiation have been assessed on all of their activites. The assessment mesaures their positive impact on its corporate governance, its employer-employee relations, on the environment and on the products and services it provides. it is about carrying a committed vision for our mommon future, where companies have a real role to play as not to be the best company IN the world but the company FOR the world.
Our employees and partner networks also share our commitments. We have set up the Nature Academy to train 100% of our employees on social and environmental issues, concrete awareness-raising initiatives (waste collection, tree planting with the Yves Rocher Foundation, ect.)
Organically produce at every turn. Our 60 hectares of fields in La Gacilly have been certified as Organic and cultivated using sustainable agricultural practices since 1999.
A positive agricultural model that respects natural resources and contributes to biodiversity regeneration.
Organically produce at every turn. Our 60 hectares of fields in La Gacilly have been certified as Organic and cultivated using sustainable agricultural practices since 1999.
A positive agricultural model that respects natural resources and contributes to biodiversity regeneration.
Roman Chamomile, Chamomile, Cornflower, Calendula, Ice Plant, Edulis, Nasturtium, Mint and Arnica: our 9 emblematic plants grown on our land in La Gacilly have been certified UEBT (Union for Ethical Biotrade) since 2021.
The 1st French brand to receive this certification, we are proud of this recognition of our commitment to protecting species and to mankind.
The UEBT (Union for Ethical Biotrade) is an international non-profit association that promotes and sets good practices for sourcing natural ingredients that respect both biodiversity and mankind.
On an environmental level, the UEBT encourages companies to establish a framework of good practices that maintain, protect and regenerate biodiversity. These practices are measured, reinforced and evaluated every year to progress the sustainable use of biodiversity on which our brand depends.
Advocating human and social respect, the UEBT principles are also particularly demanding on workers' rights, protecting local communities' rights and sharing the benefits brought about by the use of biodiversity resources.
The certification of our 9 plants grown in La Gacilly is the first step in our sustainable sourcing approach.
Our goal by 2025 is to have all of our suppliers certified.
We are members of the 1% for the Planet thanks to our work in Brittany.
This means that we donate 1% of our turnover to environmental organizations.
Effectively accelerating donations that benefit the environment: this is 1% for the Planet's mission, a non-profit organization that connects sponsors and companies to associations that are working on environmental projects.
Here at Yves Rocher, we are proud members of the 1% for the Planet thanks to our work in Bretagne. We donate 1% of the turnover from our Eco-Hotel Spa La Grée des Landes, our two restaurants, our brand's museum, our boutique & institute in La Gacilly and the Eclosarium in Houat to environmental associations.
To find out more visit onepercentfortheplanet.fr
100% of our industrial sites are classified as LPO (League for the Protection of Birds) Biodiversity Sanctuaries, this association works every day to protect species, preserve ecosystems and educate people on the environment.
100% of our industrial sites are classified as LPO (League for the Protection of Birds) Biodiversity Sanctuaries, this association works every day to protect species, preserve ecosystems and educate people on the environment.
In the heart of Brittany, 2 hectares of land has hosted and preserved 1500 species of plant since 1975. A member of the BGCI (Botanical Gardens Conservation International) and an accredited 'Botanical Garden of France and French-speaking Countries', this garden is part of an international network of knowledge transmission.
In the heart of Brittany, 2 hectares of land has hosted and preserved 1500 species of plant since 1975. A member of the BGCI (Botanical Gardens Conservation International) and an accredited 'Botanical Garden of France and French-speaking Countries', this garden is part of an international network of knowledge transmission. It is involved in exchanging seeds, disseminating genetic resources and facilitating the knowledge and preservation of plants. Our botanical garden has been labeled an EcoJardin (Eco-Garden) since 2021 for its ecological management, which protects biodiversity.
To ensure that plastic packaging never becomes waste, we support the circular economy as a member of the National Pact on Plastic Packaging. This vision offers a virtuous solution to plastic pollution.
The National Pact is part of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's Plastic Pacts network.
Choosing a circular economy so that plastic packaging never becomes waste. We are members of the National Pact on Plastic Packaging, affiliated to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's Plastic Pacts network. Alongside the French Ministry of Ecological Transition, NGOs and other companies, we support the circular economy, which offers a solution to plastic pollution and offers significant economic, environmental and social benefits. This initiative ensures coordinated action and shared knowledge on a global scale.
5 ambitious commitments:
The Yves Rocher Foundation works tirelessly to preserve biodiversity. It is committed to nature by providing support and financial aid to alternative and powerful local initiatives across the world.
With its Plant for Life program and thanks to a close collaboration with 48 NGOs and associations working in the field, 100 million trees have already been planted around the globe. With Terre de Femmes, more than 500 winners working to save our planet in 50 different countries have received awards. For these 30 years of work in the field, the Yves Rocher Foundation has been recognized as promoting the public interest, a pride that we share, as the primary sponsor, with all of our collaborators.
To find out more about the Yves Rocher Foundation: https://www.yves-rocher-fondation.org/en/
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