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Yves Rocher




Yves Rocher is committed to making the content of its website accessible and user-friendly to everyone. If you are having difficulty viewing or navigating the content on this website, or notice any content, feature, or functionality that you believe is not fully accessible to people with disabilities, please contact us by e-mail at rhcamag@yrnet.com and provide a description of the specific feature you feel is not fully accessible or a suggestion for improvement. We take your feedback seriously and will consider it as we evaluate ways to accommodate all of our customers and our overall accessibility policies. Additionally, while we do not control such vendors, we strongly encourage vendors of third-party digital content to provide content that is accessible and user-friendly.

Accessible Customer Service Policy

Accessible Customer Service Policy


At Yves Rocher (the “Company”), we are committed to providing exceptional customer service to all of our customers in addition to ensuring that our workspace is accessible to all customers and employees. Making services accessible to persons with disabilities is an important part of this commitment to superior customer service.

We strive to provide our goods and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We are also committed to giving people with disabilities the same opportunity to access our services and allowing them to benefit from the same services in the same place and in a similar way as other customers.

This Policy establishes our commitment to accessible customer service under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the customer service standard requirements under Ontario Regulation 191/11, The Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulations (the “IASR”). This policy outlines our strategy for preventing and removing barriers for persons with disabilities and to meet our requirements under the IASR.

The Accessibility Policy will be publicly available, including in an accessible format upon request. The Accessibility Policy will be reviewed and updated, if applicable, at least once every five years.


This Accessibility Policy (“the Policy”) applies to all of our employees and managers, and to any third parties (e.g., contractors) who we may arrange to provide our goods and services on our behalf. This policy applies to the extent that members of the public interact with our representatives directly and are able to directly access our services, products, and premises.


The Company is committed to making company information and communications accessible to persons with disabilities. When communicating with people with disabilities, we will do so in ways that take into account their disability. Accordingly, we will train any staff who communicate with customers on how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities. 

Assistive devices

People with disabilities are welcome to use their own personal assistive devices (e.g., white cane, wheelchair, hearing and visual aids) in order to access or use our facilities and obtain our services, to the extent that those facilities and services are made available and accessible to the general public. We will train our staff to become familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by customers with disabilities while accessing our services. We will also ensure that staff know how to use assistive devices that are available for customers on our premises.

Service animals and support persons

People with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal are welcome on all parts of our premises that are open to the public and other third parties. Customers may keep the animal with him/her unless excluded by law, in which case, we will consider alternative measures to access our services. Our staff and others dealing with the public on our behalf will be trained on how to interact with people with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal.
Any person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person will be allowed to enter our facilities with his or her support person. At no time will a person with a disability who is accompanied by a support person be prevented from having access to his or her support person while on our premises. 

Notice of temporary disruption

In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption in facilities or services usually used by people with disabilities, the Company will post a notice about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available. The notice will be placed at or near the affected facility or service and/or through other means (e.g., website) where necessary.

Training for staff

The Company is committed to providing training on the requirements of the accessibility standards referred to in the IASR and on the Human Rights Code, as it pertains to persons with disabilities. We will provide training to all Company employees, all persons who are involved in the development and approval of Company policies, and all other persons who provide goods, services or facilities on behalf of the Company. This training will be provided shortly after staff commence their duties and/or upon changes to this Policy, practices and procedures.
Training will include the following:

  • The purposes of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the requirements of the customer service standard;
  • How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities;
  • How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person;
  • How to use various assistive devices available on our premises, if any;
  • What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty in accessing our facilities and services;

Feedback process

We welcome any feedback on our the services we provide and the accessibility of our facilities from people with disabilities. The Company will ensure that existing and new processes for receiving and responding to feedback are accessible to persons with disabilities by providing or arranging for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports, upon request and in a timely manner. Please send your comments to the following:

M Vincent Rondeau / HR Director
Yves Rocher Amérique du Nord inc., 2199 Boul. Fernand-Lafontaine
Longueuil- QC- J4G 2V7
Phone: 450-442-9555
Fax: 450-442-9936
Email: rhcamag@yrnet.com

We will consider your comments carefully.  Customers can expect to hear back within a reasonable period of time.

Accessibility Policy and Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

Accessibility Policy and Multi-Year Accessibility Plan

This accessibility policy and plan outlines how Yves Rocher complies with Ontario Regulation 191/11 (the “Integrated Accessibility Standards”) under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”)


The Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulations (“IASR”) under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (the “AODA”) require that Yves Rocher establish, implement, maintain and document its accessibility policies and multi-year accessibility plan (the “Accessibility Plan”), which outlines Yves Rocher’s strategy for preventing and removing barriers for persons with disabilities and to meet our requirements under the IASR.

The Accessibility Plan can be found on Yves Rocher’s website and is also available in an accessible format upon request. The Accessibility Plan will be reviewed and updated, if applicable, at least once every five years.


The Accessibility Plan applies to all employees and customers of Yves Rocher, and, where indicated, to any independent contractor representatives working for the company.

Our Commitment

In fulfilling its mission, Yves Rocher strives to treat all individuals in a manner that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. Yves Rocher promotes integration and equal opportunity and is committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner. Yves Rocher seeks to achieve this by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and by meeting accessibility requirements under the AODA. This Accessibility Policy and Multi-Year Accessibility Plan sets out Yves Rocher’s policy on how it achieves accessibility generally, as well as in employment, information and communications and design of public spaces (built environment).

Under the IASR, the following accessibility strategies set out the requirements that are applicable to Yves Rocher:

  1. Workplace Emergency Response Information;
  2. Training;
  3. Information and Communication;
  4. Employment; and
  5. Design of Public Spaces Standards

Accessibility Standards for Customer Service

Yves Rocher is committed to providing products and services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. Yves Rocher has as an Accessible Customer Service Policy that addresses the AODA’s specific standards for accessible customer service. A copy of this Policy may be accessed here.

Accessible Emergency Information

Yves Rocher is committed to providing all customers and clients with publicly available emergency information in an accessible way upon request.

Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulations (IASR)

The following sets out how Yves Rocher is committed to complying with the IASR.

  1. Workplace Emergency Response Information

    Where Yves Rocher is aware that an employee has a disability and that there is a need for accommodation, individualized workplace emergency response information will be provided to the employee as soon as practicable if such information is necessary given the nature of the employee’s disability.


    Yves Rocher will be implementing the following measures to address Emergency Response for employees who have disabilities:

    • individualized workplace emergency response information procedures will be developed for employees with disabilities where required;

    • where employees disclose a disability and are being accommodated according to their disabilities, workplace emergency response information forms will be prepared where required;

    • where required, Yves Rocher provides assistance to specific disabled employees, with the disabled employees’ prior consent, to help them evacuate the workplace in case of an emergency or disaster. Plans for providing assistance will be set out in individualized emergency plans for the employees;

    • individualized emergency plans will be communicated to the employees’ respective managers and safety personnel on an ‘as needed’ basis;

    • on an ongoing and regular basis, and as per the applicable terms of the IASR, Yves Rocher will review and assess general workplace emergency response procedures and individualized emergency plans to ensure accessibility issues are addressed.

  2. Training

    Yves Rocher is committed to providing training on the requirements of the accessibility standards referred to in the IASR and on the Ontario Human Rights Code, as it pertains to persons with disabilities.


    In accordance with the IASR, Yves Rocher:

    • determines and ensures that appropriate training on the requirements of the IASR and on the Human Rights Code as it pertains to persons with disabilities, is provided to all employees and persons providing services on behalf of Yves Rocher in the Province of Ontario, as well as all persons participating in the development and approval of Yves Rocher’s policies;

    • ensures that the training is provided to persons referenced above as soon as practicable;<3p>

    • keeps and maintains a record of the training provided, including dates the training was provided and number of individuals to whom it was provided; and

    • ensures training is provided on any changes to Yves Rocher’s policies on an ongoing basis.

  3. Information and Communication

    Yves Rocher is committed to making company information and communications accessible to persons with disabilities. Yves Rocher will incorporate new accessibility requirements under the information and communication standards to ensure that its information and communications systems and platforms are accessible and are provided, upon request, in accessible formats that meet the needs of persons with disabilities.

    a. Feedback, Accessible Formats and Communication Supports


    In accordance with the IASR, Yves Rocher:

    • ensures that processes for receiving and responding to feedback are accessible to persons with disabilities by providing or arranging for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports, upon request and in a timely manner;

    • more broadly, as a general principle where accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities are requested:

      • provides or arranges for the provision of such accessible formats and communication supports;

      • consults with the person making the request to determine the suitability of the accessible format or communication support;

      • provides or arranges for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports in a timely manner that takes into account the person’s accessibility needs due to disability, and at a cost no more than the regular cost charged to other persons; and

    • notifies the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports.

    b. Accessible Websites and Web Content


    In accordance with the IASR, Yves Rocher recognizes its obligation to provide web content which conforms with the World Wide Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) Level AA.

    Any website controlled by Yves Rocher shall meet the requirements set out in the IASR

  4. Employment

    a. Recruitment

    Yves Rocher is committed to fair and accessible employment recruiting practices that attract and retain employees with disabilities. This includes providing accessibility at all stages of the employment cycle.


    In accordance with the IASR, Yves Rocher does the following:

    1. Recruitment General

      Yves Rocher notifies employees and the public of the availability of accommodation for applicants with disabilities in the recruitment process. This includes:

      • Ongoing review and, as necessary, modification of existing recruitment policies, procedures and processes;

      • Specifying that accommodation is available for applicants with disabilities, on Yves Rocher’s website and on job postings.

    2. Recruitment, assessment and selection

      Yves Rocher notifies job applicants, when they are individually selected to participate in an assessment or selection process and inform them that accommodations are available upon request in relation to the materials or processes to be used in the assessment/selection process. This includes:

      • review and, as necessary, modification of existing recruitment policies, procedures and processes;

      • inclusion of availability of accommodation notice as part of the script in the scheduling of an interview and/or assessment; and

      • consultation with the applicant and arrangement for provision of suitable accommodations in a manner that takes into account the applicant’s accessibility needs due to the disability where a selected applicant requests accommodation.

    3. Notice to Successful Applicants

      When making offers of employment, Yves Rocher notifies the successful applicant of its policies for accommodating employees with disabilities. This includes:

      • a review and, as necessary, modification of existing recruitment policies, procedures and processes; and

      • inclusion of notification of Yves Rocher’s policies on accommodating employees with disabilities in offer of employment letters.

      b. Informing Employees of Supports and General Provision of Accessible Formats and Communications Supports

      In accordance with the IASR, Yves Rocher informs all employees of policies that support employees with disabilities, including, but not limited to, policies on the provision of job accommodations that take into account an employee’s accessibility needs due to a disability. This includes:

      • informing current employees and new hires of Yves Rocher’s policies supporting employees with disabilities, including, but not limited to, policies on the provision of job accommodations that take into account an employee’s needs due to disability;

      • providing information as soon as practicable after the new employee begins employment, specifically in the orientation process;

      • keeping employees up to date on changes to existing policies on job accommodations with respect to disabilities;

      • where an employee with a disability so requests it, Yves Rocher will provide or arrange for provision of suitable accessible formats and communications supports for:

        • information that is needed in order to perform the employee’s job;

        • information that is generally available to employees in the workplace; and

      in meeting the obligations to provide the information that is set out above, Yves Rocher will consult with the requesting employee in determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication support.

      c. Documented Individual Accommodation Plans/Return to Work Process

      Yves Rocher incorporates accessibility requirements under the IASR to ensure that barriers in accommodation and return to work processes are eliminated and corporate policies surrounding accommodation and return to work are followed, where applicable.


      Yves Rocher’s existing policies include steps that Yves Rocher takes to accommodate employees with disabilities and to facilitate employees’ return to work after absence due to disability.

      Yves Rocher reviews and assesses the existing policies to ensure that they include a process for the development of documented individual accommodation plans for employees with disabilities, if such plans are required.

      In accordance with the provisions of the IASR, Yves Rocher ensures that the process for the development of documented individual accommodation plans include the following elements:

      • information regarding the manner in which the employee requesting accommodation can participate in the development of the plan;

      • information regarding the means by which the employee is assessed on an individual basis;

      • information regarding the manner in which Yves Rocher can request an evaluation by an outside medical or other expert, at Yves Rocher’s expense, to assist Yves Rocher in determining if and how accommodation can be achieved;

      • the manner in which the employee can request the participation of a representative from the workplace in the development of the accommodation plan;

      • steps to protect the privacy of the employee’s personal information;

      • information regarding the frequency with which individual accommodation plans will be reviewed and updated and the manner in which this will be done;

      • the reasons for a denial where an individual accommodation plan is denied;

      • information regarding the means of providing the individual accommodation plan in a format that takes into account the employee’s accessibility needs;

      • the following will be included if individual accommodation plans are established:

        • any individualized workplace emergency response information that is required;

        • any information regarding accessible formats and communication supports that have been provided for or arranged, in order to provide the employee with:

          • information that is needed in order to perform the employee’s job;

          • information that is generally available to employees in the workplace; and

        • identify any other accommodation that is to be provided to the employee. Yves Rocher’s return to work process as set out in its existing policies outlines: the steps Yves Rocher will take to facilitate the employee’s return to work after a disability-related absence; the development of a written individualized return to work plan for such employees; and the use of individual accommodation plans, as discussed above, in the return to work process.

          d. Performance Management, Career Development and Redeployment

          Yves Rocher takes into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans:

          • when using its performance management process in respect of employees with disabilities;

          • when providing career development and advancement to employees with disabilities; and

          • when redeploying employees with disabilities.


        In accordance with the IASR, Yves Rocher:

        • reviews, assesses and, as necessary, modifies existing policies, procedures and practices to ensure compliance with the IASR;

        • takes the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities and, as applicable, their individualized accommodation plans, into account when:

          • assessing performance;

          • managing career development and advancement; and

          • redeployment is required.

        • reviews, assesses and, as necessary, include in performance management workshops, accessibility criteria;

        • takes into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities when providing career development and advancement to its employees with disabilities, including notification of the ability to provide accommodations on internal job postings; and

        • takes into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities when redeploying employees, including review and, as necessary, modification of employee transfer checklist.

Design of Public Spaces Standard

While Yves Rocher has no plans to engage in new construction or redevelopment which would be captured by the requirements of the IASR concerning the Design of Public Spaces, Yves Rocher recognizes its obligations under the relevant sections of the Regulation and is committed to incorporating barrier-free design principles into any public spaces that are newly constructed and redeveloped on or after January 1, 2017.

Information and Feedback

For more information on this accessibility plan or to provide feedback, please contact HR Director by email at rhcamag@yrnet.com or by phone at 450-442-9555

Accessible formats of this document are available free upon request.

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