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At the end of 2019, the Rocher Group became the first mission-driven company, as defined by the French PACTE law. This means we have officially enshrined our raison d’être and mission in our bylaws.
Our mission: we act to reveal, protect and transmit the power of plants.
‟‟We are botanists. We are harvesters.
We are manufacturers. We are distributors.
Yves Rocher
Thanks to the annual tree planting activity, in support of the Yves Rocher Foundation, our subsidiary planted more than 350 000 trees.
From fall 2023, all our stores will be redesigned to highlight our brand commitments to product quality and to the planet. Plastic materials will be replaced by more noble materials such as wood and cardboard. Our solid cosmetics product line will also be highlighted.
In June 2023, a planter garden was inaugurated on our grounds thanks to the work of head office and distribution center employees. The planters were built using recycled wood from our warehouse pallets.
Since September 2020, Ms. Emily Fossatty, a member of the logistics team, has been collecting cigarette butts from our grounds so that they can be sent to a partner company for recycling. Since the beginning of this initiative, more than 22 lbs have been collected in order to protect the environment.
‟‟Nature is my guide,
I just followed it.
Yves Rocher
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