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Yves Rocher

All answers to payment questions

Is it safe to use my credit card on the Yves Rocher website?

Yes, all information related to your order, including the online payment by credit card, is protected. When you place an order using your credit card, the information is secured and encrypted as it is exchanged using the secure SSL connection. You can purchase online safely!

What are the payment methods accepted on the website?

When you place your order, you can pay with your credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) or with your PayPal account.

How to use my privileges and promotions?

You received a promotion by email? You can use your offerwhen ordering by entering your coupon code in your basket. Enjoy shopping at Yves Rocher!

Why can't I validate my payment?

You have troubles placing your order at the payment step? The issue may be related to your credit card: we only accept Canadian credit cards and no pre-paid cards. Also, make sure that your billing address matches the one registered to your credit card.

If this is a persisting problem, please contact the Customer Service. Our advisors are here to help you.

How to enter the security code for an American Express?

When you place your order, you need to enter a 3-digit secutiry code. If you want to pay with an American Express, please enter the 3 last digits or your security code.

What is the $1 charge on my credit card?

After paying for your order, you noticed a $1 charge on your credit card statement. It is simply a verification of the validity of your card. This amount will be returned to your card with the next 2 business days.

I think I've been charged twice.

Do not worry, it is simply a temporary authorization request to validate your card. You will notice on your statement in a few days that the amount finally charged matches the order total.

What are the shipping costs?

The conditions to be elligible to free shipping may change from one period to another. We invite you to check out all the on-going offers on the Promotions page. Below the free delivery threshold, the shipping costs are $9.95 for each order. Prices may change without notice.

Note: Please note that the minimum order amount is $15.

Can I use a gift card to purchase online?

Unfortunately no. Gift cards purchased in store cannot be used online as of yet. If you want to use a gift card, find your nearest store to shop at Yves Rocher!

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