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Yves Rocher

All answers to account questions

How to create an account on the website?

It's easy! From the home page or the menu, you just need to fill in the account creation form with your personnal information and to choose a password.

Then, you only need to confirm the creation of your account by clicking on "Create my account" at the bottom of the page.

How to retrieve a lost password?

If you forgot or lost your password, click on "Log in" in the menu and then on "Forgotten password" to get it back. The email address associated to your account will be asked to retrieve your password.

How to choose a secure password?

A strong and secure password should include:

  • At least 8 characters
  • At least 1 digit
  • At least 1 uppercase letter
  • At least 1 lowercase letter
  • At least a punctuation mark or special character (!"#$%& '()*+,/:;<=>?@[]^_`'}'|'{'~. ) "

To change your password, simply log in to your account and follow our instructions, or click on « Reset your password » in the login area.

How to change the password to my account?

To change your password, you need to log in to your account at the top of the page with your email address and current password.

Once you are logged in, click on "My personal information". Fill in your new password and click on "Validate"; it's done!

How to change the email address associated to my account?
To change your email address, you need to log in to your account at the top of the page with your current email address and your password. Once you are logged in, click on "My personal information". Fill in your new email address and click on "Validate"; it's done! Note: With any email address change, your login information will be changed. You need to enter your new email address to log in.
How to protect yourself from fraudulent emails?

You think you have received a fraudulent email from YVES ROCHER?
Please notify us as soon as possible by contacting our customer service department by email or by phone at 1 888 909-0771 (toll free) - Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (EST).
We ask that you forward this email to us. We will analyze this message in order to react to the best of our ability in the interest of our clients.

Did you respond to this email and enter your personal information and credit card number on the fraudulent website?
We advise you to also contact your bank as soon as possible.

What are the appropriate reflexes?
Never respond to this type of solicitation.

Please note that YVES ROCHER will never ask you for your confidential information (bank details, secret code...) in an email.
In case of suspicious emails:

  • Never open attachments, they may contain a virus
  • Never click on a link contained in an e-mail whose origin is not certain.
How to change the postal address associated to my account?

To change your postal address, you need to log in to your account at the top of the page with your email address and password.

Once you are logged in, click on "My personal information". Fill in your new postal address and click on "Validate"; it's done!

Note: With any order placed, check in your basket that the postal and billing addresses are correct.

Where is my customer number?

Your customer number can be found:

  • In your shipping notice email received when your order leaves our warehouse.
  • On your order form received in a previous order.

It's a 9-digit number.

How do I delete my account?
The deletion of the account directly by the user is not possible on the website. To delete your account, please contact our customer service by email customerservices@mail.yvesrocher.ca using the email address associated with your customer account and indicating your first and last name and if possible customer number or loyalty card.
For more information on your rights and our Privacy Policy, click here.
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