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Yves Rocher

All answers to delivery questions

How to track my order?

To follow your order, you simply have to log in to your personnal account or directly on the website https://www.yvesrocher.ca/my-personal-space. To sign in, use your customer number and your access code (your registered phone number). Click then on "Continue". Your orders immediately appear on the screen and you can track the progress to know where your order is at the moment.

Note: You can track your order only once it has been shipped ; you will be informed by email when the parcel leaves our warehouse.

What are the shipping costs?

The conditions to be elligible to free shipping may change from one period to another. We invite you to check out all the on-going offers on the Promotions page. Below the free delivery threshold, the shipping costs are $9.95 for each order. Prices may change without notice.

Note: Please note that the minimum order amount is $15.

What are the shipping times?

Your order is delivered within 3 to 4 business days in average. For more remote areas, up to 10 business days are necessary. You can follow its progress on the website https://www.yvesrocher.ca/my-personal-space.

Where is my customer number?

Your customer number can be found:

  • In your shipping notice email received when your order leaves our warehouse.
  • On your order form received in a previous order.
It's a 9-digit number.
How to return or exhange a product?

If you received a damaged product, if there was a mistake in the content of your parcel or if you just changed your mind, do not worry, you can return or exchange it by following the instructions given on the order form put in your parcel. You will be in charge of the return costs.

Your satisfaction is our priority! You may return or exchange a product ordered on the Site within six (3) months of the date of the order. Any refund or exchange will be subject to the product being returned by mail, accompanied by the purchase invoice and the return slip on the back of the invoice duly completed, all at the following address: Yves Rocher North America Inc. 2199 boul. Fernand-Lafontaine Suite 300 Longueuil (Québec), J4G 2V7, You are responsible for the shipping return cost, but no other additional costs will be charged to you.

How to return or exhange a product in a store?

Unfortunately, this is not possible as of yet. To return or exchange a product, please follow the instructions given on the order form put in your parcel.

Is it possible to send my order to a different address than my home?

When you place your order, you can change the delivery and billing address to put the one you want: at work, at your friends or family's, at your neighbors'. Just make sure that the billing address matches the one registered to your credit card.

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