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Yves Rocher
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Sustainable body washes

Do you find that you run out of shower gel faster than you should? More often than not, we tend to use more product than needed. As much as we love to lather our skin with delightful smelling body wash, using more than needed can be wasteful. That's why we created these concentrated shower gels with a cap that dispenses the perfect amount of soap! This way, you can have a peaceful, relaxing shower, knowing that you're caring for the environment and your wallet at the same time! If you care about the environment as much as we do and want to discover more eco friendly products, we suggest taking a look at our solid shampoo bars! Our eco friendly solid shampoo allows you to have all the benefits of liquid shampoo, but without the plastic. We currently have four different bars available including Shine, Gentle, Purity and Nutrition. Check them out for yourself!  

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  • 100% botanical

  • 60 hectares of
    organic fields

  • Eco-designed products

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