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Yves Rocher
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Hair care - Hair products

A true asset of seduction and indicator of good health, hair attention requires a lot of care. Beautiful hair starts with a healthy scalp. The new Yves Rocher hair care line was developed based on the benefits of Agave fructans, never before used as a cosmetics extract. This new extract activates microcirculation (in combination with a scalp massage) allowing hair to grow stronger and more beautiful. Need help? Discover our hair care comparator. We have specialized hair care for every need: repair, shine, color, nourishing, volume and substance, antipollution and gentle hair care. Yves Rocher has developed products for every hair type, from the most damaged hair to color-treated hair, as well as fine and flat hair. Our hair care products should be part of a complete hair care routine to provide hair with all the essential elements to be intensely nourished. Use your shampoo with a conditioner and a hair mask. To optimize your hair care routine, choose one of our serums, rinsing vinegars or our antipollution hair scrub.

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  • 100% botanical

  • 60 hectares of
    organic fields

  • Eco-designed products

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