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Which fragrance
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signature scents
Fragrances that express the different facets of femininity.
Essential harmony with Mother Nature, the sensuality of a romantic encounter, reconnecting with oneself... Our Women's Fragrances are full of emotion, created to express and play with the various facets of femininity.
the eaux de parfum collection
Eaux de Parfums to collect for each emotion, for everyone.
Nature is an endless source of escape. Feel your skin warmed by the sun. Breathe in the power of the sea breeze. Appreciate the silence of an infinite desert... The Fragrance Collection captures these magical moments, far from the chaos of everyday life. These fragrances are experiences. Authentic fragrances that revitalize and resemble us.
Subtle and floral scents.
Nature is a daily source of inspiration. Our Botanical garden in La Gacilly, Brittany reminds us that a stroll through the garden is a simple delight. The scent of a freshly bloomed Rose, the delicate aroma of Lily of the Valley... The Eaux Fraîches Collection reconnects with these essential pleasures. Simple and authentic nature getaways, that do us good !
To find out more...
Behind the scenes of our perfume creation
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