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Yves Rocher


20% off all eye makeup*

74  product(s) found

*Certain exclusions apply. The price shown already reflects the discount. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

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Nourishing Coconut Lip Balm

Nourishing Coconut Lip Balm

4.8 g

Buy 3, get 1 FREE

The lower priced item will be free. Applicable on flagged items only in hair, body and sun care categories. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Nourishing Raspberry Lip Balm

Nourishing Raspberry Lip Balm

4.8 g

Buy 3, get 1 FREE

The lower priced item will be free. Applicable on flagged items only in hair, body and sun care categories. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Nourishing Vanilla Lip Balm

Nourishing Vanilla Lip Balm

4.8 g

Buy 3, get 1 FREE

The lower priced item will be free. Applicable on flagged items only in hair, body and sun care categories. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Makeup tips

A botanically-inspired makeup for natural SEDUCTION. Discover all our makeup products for the face, eyes makeup, lips and nails. they will allow you to create emotion and CAPTIVATE. Yves Rocher has developed a unique makeup collection from fluid foundation & nail care, to cleansing milk & makeup accessories that complete your beauty moments.

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  • 100% botanical

  • 60 hectares of
    organic fields

  • Eco-designed products

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