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Yves Rocher
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Solid Brush Cleanser

Solid Brush Cleanser

30 g

Buy 1, get 1 at 50% off

*The lower priced item will be at 50% off in your cart. This offer can be combined with other categories with the same offer. Certain exlcusions apply. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.




Buy 1, get 1 at 50% off

*The lower priced item will be at 50% off in your cart. This offer can be combined with other categories with the same offer. Certain exlcusions apply. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Pencil Sharpener

Pencil Sharpener


Buy 1, get 1 at 50% off

*The lower priced item will be at 50% off in your cart. This offer can be combined with other categories with the same offer. Certain exlcusions apply. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Eyeshadow Brush

Eyeshadow Brush


Buy 1, get 1 at 50% off

*The lower priced item will be at 50% off in your cart. This offer can be combined with other categories with the same offer. Certain exlcusions apply. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Eyelid Crease Brush

Eyelid Crease Brush


Buy 1, get 1 at 50% off

*The lower priced item will be at 50% off in your cart. This offer can be combined with other categories with the same offer. Certain exlcusions apply. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Liner Brush

Liner Brush


Buy 1, get 1 at 50% off

*The lower priced item will be at 50% off in your cart. This offer can be combined with other categories with the same offer. Certain exlcusions apply. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Eyeshadow Brushes, Angled Brushes, Eyeliner Brushes & More

Getting that glamorous cut crease eyeshadow look or drawing a perfect cat eye has never been easier! Discover Yves Rocher’s eco-designed eyeshadow brushes, angled eyeliner brushes, and eye sculpting brushes to achieve any eye makeup look you desire.

Pair the brushes with our eyeshadow palettes for endless makeup inspiration!

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  • 100% botanical

  • 60 hectares of
    organic fields

  • Eco-designed products

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