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Body moisturizer - Body moisturizing cream
Looking for a body lotion that repairs and hydrates your dry skin? Our body lotions are enriched with natural ingredients like shea butter, almond oil, and lavender oil to nourish and revitalize your skin. Whether you're looking for a everyday lotion or an intensive skin care, we've got you covered. And don't forget our luxurious oils! Scented with essential oils like rosemary, bergamot, or lavender, these oils will leave your skin feeling soft and silky. So why wait? Start enjoying the skin you're in today! If you want to take it a step further, we suggest using a body scrub. Body scrubs allow you to get rid of dead skin cells, revealing smooth, healthy skin underneath. Dead skin can actually stop lotions and oils from properly penetrating the skin, which is why it is important to exfoliate. Whether you opt for a creamy Apricot Botanical Body Scrub or a simple Exfoliating Glove, your skin will thank you.
100% botanical
60 hectares of
organic fields
Eco-designed products
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