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Yves Rocher
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Balance Scalp Serum

Balance Scalp Serum

Dropper bottle
50 ml


Buy 3, get 1 FREE

The lower priced item will be free. Applicable on flagged items only in hair, body and sun care categories. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Ultra-Nourishing Care Cream

Ultra-Nourishing Care Cream

150 ml


Buy 3, get 1 FREE

The lower priced item will be free. Applicable on flagged items only in hair, body and sun care categories. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Ultra-Nourishing Oil

Ultra-Nourishing Oil

100 ml


Buy 3, get 1 FREE

The lower priced item will be free. Applicable on flagged items only in hair, body and sun care categories. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Ultra-Nourishing Mask

Ultra-Nourishing Mask

200 ml


Buy 3, get 1 FREE

The lower priced item will be free. Applicable on flagged items only in hair, body and sun care categories. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Heat Protective Fortifying Serum

Heat Protective Fortifying Serum

Pump bottle
100 ml

Buy 3, get 1 FREE

The lower priced item will be free. Applicable on flagged items only in hair, body and sun care categories. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Restoring Mask - Repair

Restoring Mask - Repair

200 ml

Buy 3, get 1 FREE

The lower priced item will be free. Applicable on flagged items only in hair, body and sun care categories. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Botanical Balm Leave-in Repair Care

Botanical Balm Leave-in Repair Care

150 ml

Buy 3, get 1 FREE

The lower priced item will be free. Applicable on flagged items only in hair, body and sun care categories. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Radiance Protective Mask - Color

Radiance Protective Mask - Color

200 ml

Buy 3, get 1 FREE

The lower priced item will be free. Applicable on flagged items only in hair, body and sun care categories. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Shine Vinegar - Rinsing Lotion

Shine Vinegar - Rinsing Lotion

150 ml

Buy 3, get 1 FREE

The lower priced item will be free. Applicable on flagged items only in hair, body and sun care categories. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Shine Vinegar - Rinsing Lotion
Detangling Milk Spray

Detangling Milk Spray

150 ml

Buy 3, get 1 FREE

The lower priced item will be free. Applicable on flagged items only in hair, body and sun care categories. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Pre-shampoo Exfoliating Detox Mask

Pre-shampoo Exfoliating Detox Mask

200 ml

Buy 3, get 1 FREE

The lower priced item will be free. Applicable on flagged items only in hair, body and sun care categories. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Scalp Booster Serum - Strength

Scalp Booster Serum - Strength

75 ml

Buy 3, get 1 FREE

The lower priced item will be free. Applicable on flagged items only in hair, body and sun care categories. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Scalp Booster Serum - Strength
Intensive Density Treatment - 16 days

Intensive Density Treatment - 16 days

60 ml

Buy 3, get 1 FREE

The lower priced item will be free. Applicable on flagged items only in hair, body and sun care categories. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Body Mist Monoï

Body Mist Monoï

125 ml

Buy 3, get 1 FREE

The lower priced item will be free. Applicable on flagged items only in hair, body and sun care categories. Promotional offers on the same product are not cumulative.

Other Specialized Hair Care

Want to take good care of your hair for healthier and more beautiful results? Choose our specialized hair care products: from hair serums to rinsing vinegars as well as moisturizing hair cream (day and night) and the antipollution hair scrub. They fit perfectly in a hair care routine with a shampoo, conditioner and hair mask. Discover ou hair care comparator.

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  • 100% botanical

  • 60 hectares of
    organic fields

  • Eco-designed products

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