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Yves Rocher

The result of ancestral know-how, Yves Rocher Monoï oil is the result of rational production and a commitment to a sustainable development approach in Tahiti. Our 97.5% Monoï of Tahiti oil nourishes skin and hair while it in a highly addictive sun-filled scent.

Skin is intensely moisturized. 

• Skin is intensely moisturized
• Skin is nourished

Texture: Luxurious ultra-melting texture

How to use:
• Shake before use
• Apply to skin any time of day
• Yves Rocher Monoï oil naturally hardens below 26°C (79°F). Warm up the bottle between your hands or run under hot water to melt

3.3 fl. oz./100 ml 

Reference: FC619

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