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Yves Rocher
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Nail polish colors

Looking for a nail polish that's good for you and the environment? Look no further than Yves Rocher! Our line of vegan nail polishes and sets are formulated with ingredients produced from botanical biomass such as beet, sugar cane and wood. This unique process results in a high-quality product that's gentle on your nails and helps keep them healthy and strong. Plus, our vibrant shades will give your nails a stylish look that lasts. So go ahead and give them a try – your nails will love you for it! Now that you've found the perfect nail polish colour, let's make sure that you're all set for your next at-home manicure or pedicure. Prepping your nails before applying the nail polish is an essential step! So, make sure to grab the proper nail tools and accessories (cuticle sticks, emery boards, and nail polish remover) to complete your set. If you find that your cuticles are needing a bit of love, try our Go Green Oil Elixir which will leave your nails looking fresh and nourished.

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  • 100% botanical

  • 60 hectares of
    organic fields

  • Eco-designed products

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