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Yves Rocher

Forget resolutions… choose your “Word of the Year”!

Make this year all about positivity when you focus on your own special word to guide your year.

Why New Year’s resolutions are so... well, last year!

The long-held tradition is to set your resolutions for the new year in January. However, while such goals are accompanied by the best of intentions, they often set us up for failure. Instead, more and more people are choosing a word to guide their year. Let the word become a type of mantra for you. It can then direct your daily actions, allowing you to become a better version of yourself. This method has been proven to bring the best, most long-lasting results. Most importantly, it can bring about a happier, more satisfied you!

So how do you choose your word of the year? If you’ve never done it before, no worries, we'll help you.

First, instead of trying to plan for a perfect future, reflect on the year gone by. Grab a notebook and let’s begin!

Read on for helpful tips to find a word that best suits you and your goals...

How to discover your word:

  1. Ask yourself: what did last year teach me? Reflect on both the positive and negative that you can take away from last year. For example: What can I use more of in my life? What can I use less of?
  2. List 3 emotions that prevent you from moving forward in key areas of your life. Which emotions could replace them? Example: Gratitude could replace envy, Abundance could replace neediness. Still need help? Look to positive emotions like love, serenity, forgiveness, joy, hope, etc...
  3. Who inspires you... and why?  We are inspired by people with characteristics we admire. If the people you admire display persistence, determination or optimism, it’s likely you may benefit from these traits as well.
  4. How do you want to take care of yourself this year?  Self-care is powerful. It brings about change in all areas of our lives!

Answering these questions should help you clarify what you want for this coming year. Is there a word or theme that keeps coming up? When you find the word that will help you work towards your goal, let it become your mantra.

Use your word every day!

Allow your word to be your focus. Let it act as a guide for you in critical areas of your life: health, work, relationships.

Let your word prepare you to successfully take on new projects and opportunities.

In everyday situations, ask yourself how will your word affect your actions and decisions.

For example, the word “daring” will allow you to be more courageous, “discovery” to seek out the new and “persistence” to not give up.

Here's to a great 2021!

Don’t hesitate to share your word with us below. Declaring it will help put you on the path to success!


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