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Yves Rocher

All answers to questions about your store

Where is the nearest store?

To look for the nearest store, please check on the Store locator and enter your zip code to get the list of the closest shops. Our advisors are expecting you!

What are the opening hours of my store?

You can get the opening hours of your store from the Store locator. See you soon!

How to get an appointment for the institute?

You can make your appointment:

  • On the website: Log into your account and check the treatments list of your store with the help of the Store locator.
  • By phone: Contact the store directly to know about the availabilities. The phone number of your store is displayed in the Store locator.
Why are the online prices different than the ones of my catalog or of my store?

The offers available on the website, in store or in the catalog are different and cannot be combined. Please refer to the conditions to know more about your elligibility to these discounts and gifts. You are free to choose whichever offer will suit you the most of course ; enjoy your shopping at Yves Rocher!

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